Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Handmade Lace and Silk Ribbon Flowers

Hello everyone!!!!
Sometime ago when I first starting posting blogs, I posted a short tutorial on how to make silk ribbon flowers.  It has been a very popular post.  So I decided to give you another tutorial on 
how to make these flowers.
First off you will need the following items:  silk ribbon and lace if you choose, a needle and thread, and a punched circle from cardstock that matches your ribbon colour.  Determine your size first.

Cut a strip of 1/2" wide ribbon about 36" long.  To start with, you want to stitch a long running stitch across one edge of the ribbon from end to end.  Do not tie off the thread when you get to the end.  Loosely for now, create gathers by pulling on the thread.

A glue gun works best for the next step which is to glue the ribbon to the punched circle.  My circle is about 2" for a very fluffy flower.  Starting at the outside edge, adhere the ribbon down by pulling the thread a small section at a time.  Place the glue in small sections and then move along until you have the outside edge covered with the ribbon.

Now you will move the ribbon down towards the centre, still gathering if necessary. The stitch edge of the second layer should meet with the stitched edge of the first layer.
Keep gathering the ribbon as you go.

Then you will move it again towards the centre, gluing in small sections.  Keep going until you have the entire circle covered.  When done you can add a brad, button, small flower, anything that you want to the centre to finish it off.  And there you have it.  If you make a larger one, your circle should be larger and cut a longer strip of ribbon.  The more gathers, the fluffier the flower.

Here is one I made using 1/2" antique lace.

I put together a heritage layout to show you the lace flower and how it looks.  I added the same lace at the outside edges of the layout.

Here is a closeup.

And there you have it.  I hope you will try this.  You can use wider ribbon if you wish for a larger flower.  Have fun and until next time, this is Donna wishing you a prosperous week.
I don't know if you do but
"I cook with wine.  Sometimes I even put it in the food."

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